There is hereby established a Fox Hall & Cemetery Board to consist of five voting members. The Mayor with approval of the Governing Body shall appoint the voting members. The Board oversees the operation of Fox Hall, a community building located next to City Hall, and the Louisburg Cemetery.

(Code 2020)

The original terms of office for existing members of the Fox Hall & Cemetery Board shall be as follows:

(a)   Two members shall serve a one-year term;

(b)   Two members shall serve a two-year term;

(c)   One member shall serve a three-year term.

The original term of office shall begin with the first February appointive period of the City following the passage of the enabling ordinance. Thereafter each year the Mayor shall appoint successors, with consent of the City Council, to three-year terms. In the event a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, the successor shall be appointed to serve the unexpired term.

(Code 2020; Ord. 1170)

Members of the Board shall serve without compensation.

(Code 2020)

The Board members shall among themselves choose a chair, secretary and treasurer.

(Code 2020)

A minimum of three voting members of the Board shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.

(Code 2020)

The Board is hereby authorized to adopt its own bylaws and procedures related to the conduct of meetings subject to the laws of the State of Kansas and the policies and ordinances of the City of Louisburg.

(Code 2020)

The Board shall make an annual report of all its proceedings and the conditions of Fox Hall to the Mayor and Council no later than January 31 of each year.

(Code 2020)

The Board shall hold meetings once a quarter or as deemed appropriate and necessary for the transaction of business. Should a member be absent from two (2) or more scheduled meetings in a calendar year, the Governing Body may ask for their resignation to the Board.

(Code 2020; Ord. 1204)

(a)   Act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and Council in all items concerning Fox Hall and the Louisburg Cemetery, including programming, planning, maintenance, development and operation as well as formulating policies for the use and care of Fox Hall and the Louisburg Cemetery

(b)   Interpret the policies, functions and operation of Fox Hall and the Louisburg Cemetery for the general public.

(Code 2020)

The Governing Body shall refer all proposals and propositions for Fox Hall and Louisburg Cemetery to the Board.

The Board shall make reports and recommendations to the Governing Body on all matters referred to it and any further recommendations deemed advisable. Such reports shall be made within the time frame fixed by the Governing Body at the time of the proposal or proposition is submitted to the Board. No action shall be taken thereafter by the Governing Body upon any such proposal or proposition until the reports and recommendations thereon have been received from the Board.

The Governing Body shall take action upon the reports and recommendations received by the Board within 30 days after its receipt at an official meeting of the City Council. The Governing Body may extend the time as it deems necessary to give the matter further attention.

(Code 2020)